Smart contracts: Automating transactions

The world of technology is filled with innovations that push boundaries, but few have the potential to redefine entire industries like smart contracts.

These digital protocols, while seemingly complex, are fundamentally about trust and automation. This article dives deep into the world of smart contracts, from understanding their basic premise to exploring their myriad of applications.

Introduction to Smart Contracts

At its core, a smart contract is a self-executing contract with the terms of agreement directly written into lines of code. This might sound complicated, but think of it as a digital vending machine. When you put money into a traditional vending machine and select an item, the machine automatically dispenses your choice without the need for a cashier. Similarly, when certain conditions are met in a smart contract, it automatically executes the agreed-upon actions.

Developed on blockchain platforms like Ethereum, smart contracts are decentralised. This means they're not controlled by any single entity but are instead verified by multiple participants in the network. This ensures transparency, security, and reduced opportunities for fraud.

How to Create Smart Contracts

Creating a smart contract requires some familiarity with programming, as they are written in specific coding languages like Solidity (for Ethereum). Here's a simplified overview of the process:

Define the Agreement: Just like traditional contracts, decide the terms. For instance, in a rental agreement, terms might include the duration of the lease, rent amount, and payment dates.

Write the Code: Use a programming language suitable for the chosen blockchain platform. If on Ethereum, Solidity would be the go-to language.

Deploy on Blockchain: Once written, the smart contract is uploaded to the blockchain, where it becomes immutable. This means it can't be altered without the consensus of the network.

Activation: Smart contracts activate when triggered by an external event, like receiving a payment.

Execution: Once the contract's conditions are met, it automatically carries out the stipulated actions.

For those less technically inclined, there are platforms and tools available that simplify smart contract creation, offering templated solutions and user-friendly interfaces. For example:

  • Remix: An open-source platform that provides a user-friendly interface for developing, testing, and deploying smart contracts for Ethereum. Remix provides a web-based IDE with integrated tools that allow even novices to get started with smart contract development.
  • OpenZeppelin: This platform provides a library for secure smart contract development. Its reusable contracts can help in building robust Ethereum applications, thus simplifying the process for those who might not be deep into the technical details.
  • MyWish: Targeting users who might not have any coding experience, MyWish offers a platform to create and deploy smart contracts without writing any code. Their interface offers multiple templates for various purposes, from token creation to wills and deferred payments.
  • BlockCAT: This platform lets users visually create and deploy smart contracts to the Ethereum network without coding. Their simple drag-and-drop interface ensures that even those unfamiliar with coding can benefit from blockchain technology.
  • Etherparty: A platform aimed at simplifying the contract creation process. With its intuitive interface, users can create and execute smart contracts on multiple blockchains. They offer templates for various use cases, from crowdfunding to supply chain management.
  • Agrello: Built with a focus on legally binding smart contracts, Agrello provides an AI-powered interface that allows users to create their smart agreements in plain English, which are then converted into a smart contract.
Microsoft's Asure Blockchain Workbench simplifies the process of developing, testing, and deploying blockchain applications. It provides an infrastructure to set up and manage a consortium network, so users don't have to deal with the underlying complexities. Here are some of its features:
  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE): Azure provides a range of development tools for smart contract coding and testing, enabling both technical and non-technical users to create solutions.
  • Prebuilt Network and Infrastructure: This allows users to quickly set up a blockchain infrastructure, significantly reducing the time and effort required to start a project.
  • Integration with Other Azure Services: Azure Blockchain Workbench can integrate with other Azure services, like Azure Active Directory for identity services, and Azure Key Vault for key management, making it a holistic solution.
  • Smart Contract Templates: While Azure's primary focus is on providing robust blockchain infrastructure, the platform has integrated templates and examples to guide users through the smart contract creation process. This is especially helpful for those who might be new to the concept.
  • Interoperability: Azure supports multiple blockchain ledgers, including Ethereum, Quorum, and Corda. This means developers can write smart contracts in various languages like Solidity for Ethereum or Java for Corda.
  • Visual Studio Code Extension for Azure Blockchain: For those who are familiar with Visual Studio Code, Microsoft offers an extension to aid in smart contract development. This tool simplifies tasks like code authoring, testing, and even debugging.
  • Logic Apps: Azure offers Logic Apps that can be used in conjunction with smart contracts to automate workflows. These are especially useful for integrating blockchain solutions with existing systems or creating more complex automations.

While platforms like Remix or Etherparty are dedicated to simplifying smart contract creation specifically, Azure offers a comprehensive suite of tools that cater to the broader blockchain application development process. However, Azure does ensure that users, both technical and non-technical, have resources at their disposal to make smart contract development more accessible.

Use Cases and Examples

The applications of smart contracts are vast and span numerous industries. Here are some noteworthy examples:

Real Estate

  • Property Sales: Traditional property sales involve extensive paperwork and intermediaries. Smart contracts can simplify this. For instance, upon receiving the correct payment, ownership of property can be automatically transferred to the buyer, verified on the blockchain.
  • Rental Agreements: Security deposits can be held in a smart contract and automatically returned to the tenant at the end of the lease, provided there are no damages or outstanding payments.

Supply Chain

  • Product Tracking: Smart contracts can automatically update and verify the stages a product has undergone, from raw materials to the final product in stores, ensuring authenticity and transparency.
  • Automated Payments: As goods move through stages of production and shipping, payments can be auto-released to suppliers once their task is verified complete.


  • Royalties: Instead of artists waiting for periodic payments, smart contracts can ensure musicians and creators receive royalties instantly whenever their content is purchased or streamed.
  • Collaborative Projects: In multi-artist projects, smart contracts can automatically divide and distribute revenues based on predetermined splits among contributors.

Voting Systems

  • Elections: Smart contracts can facilitate secure and transparent digital voting, ensuring that each vote is unique, transparent, and immediately verifiable.
  • Organisational Voting: In companies or organisations, decisions that require member voting can be streamlined. For instance, introducing a new company policy can be put to vote and automatically implemented if a majority agrees.


  • Claim Processing: Traditional insurance claims can be tedious. Using smart contracts, certain claims can be verified and processed automatically. For instance, if a shipment tracked on a blockchain is lost, insurance compensation could be auto-initiated.
  • Policy Updates: Insurance policies can be updated in real-time based on data. For example, a health insurance policy could offer dynamic premiums based on wearable health tracker data.


  • Peer-to-Peer Lending: Bypassing banks, individuals can lend money directly to others. Upon repayment terms being met, smart contracts can release collaterals and manage interest payments.
  • Automated Investments: Investment platforms can use smart contracts to automatically buy or sell assets when certain market conditions are met, ensuring timely and emotion-free investment decisions.


  • Medical Records: With patient consent, smart contracts can automatically release specific medical records to authorised professionals, ensuring timely and secure access.
  • Drug Supply Chain: The journey of pharmaceuticals, from manufacturing to patient, can be tracked, ensuring authenticity and safety.


  • Certifications and Degrees: Educational institutions can issue degrees and certifications on a blockchain. Employers can instantly verify an individual's educational qualifications using a smart contract.

While the above examples represent just the tip of the iceberg, they demonstrate the diverse and transformative potential of smart contracts in reshaping industries. Their ability to bring about trust, transparency, and efficiency makes them a cornerstone of many future digital interactions.

Security Considerations

As revolutionary as smart contracts are, they aren't devoid of challenges, especially concerning security:

  • Immutable but Not Infallible: Once a smart contract is on the blockchain, it can't be altered. This is a double-edged sword. While it ensures trustworthiness, it also means that any flaw in the contract stays there.
  • External Data Risks: Smart contracts often rely on external data (like flight times for insurance contracts). If this external data source is compromised, it could affect the contract's execution.
  • Re-Entrancy Attacks: A notorious vulnerability where an attacker drains funds from a contract by recursively calling a function before its initial execution completes.
  • Under and Overflows: These occur when numbers in a contract exceed or drop below the limits of the data type used to store them, leading to unexpected outcomes.
  • Gas Limitations: On platforms like Ethereum, executing smart contracts requires "gas". If a contract consumes more gas than anticipated, it could stall.

Despite these challenges, continuous advancements are being made to bolster smart contract security, including thorough auditing processes and the development of safer programming practices.


Smart contracts represent a significant step forward in automating and securing digital transactions. By embedding terms directly into code and leveraging the power of blockchain, these digital contracts offer transparency, efficiency, and a high level of trust.

While still in their relative infancy, as adoption grows and technology evolves, smart contracts could become as commonplace as traditional digital transactions are today. As with all innovations, a balance between embracing potential and understanding risks is crucial. In the realm of smart contracts, the future certainly looks both promising and transformative.

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