Easy Crypto's mobile MPC wallet

The world of cryptocurrency can feel like a vast and complex universe, especially for those just beginning their digital asset journey.

We've all heard harrowing tales of lost access to digital fortunes because of forgotten keys or seed phrases. But what if there was a wallet that offered the simplicity and security of a traditional banking app?

Over the past year that's exactly what we've been working on alongside Easy Crypto - a mobile MPC (multi-party computation) wallet that's perfect for both crypto novices and experienced users alike.

A mobile wallet for the modern user

The vision for Easy Crypto's wallet was clear from the start: to demystify digital currencies and make managing them as straightforward as any traditional currency. After all, in today's fast-paced world, who has the time to maintain an array of different wallets for their digital assets?

  • Multi-Wallet Architecture: Organize your digital assets just as you would in a physical wallet, with the added security and convenience that technology provides.
  • Social Recovery Option: Lose your phone? No sweat. Your trusted contacts can help you recover your wallet, so you'll never need to scramble for a seed phrase again.
  • Seed Phrase-Free: Streamlined security that speaks the language of accessibility and ease, designed for those more familiar with the functionality of conventional banking.

One wallet to rule them all

Embracing the mantra of simplicity, this wallet serves as the singular home for all your crypto needs, supporting unlimited sub-wallets across multiple blockchains and a wide range of coins. A key aspect of this wallet is its self-custodial nature, meaning you – and only you – hold the keys to your digital kingdom, akin to a traditional wallet.

The Easy Crypto wallet simplifies the process of managing various accounts, and with it, you can effortlessly trade from a selection of over 50 of the most popular cryptocurrencies and tokens.

Fort Knox in your pocket

Security is paramount in the crypto universe, and Easy Crypto's MPC wallet delivers. By harnessing the power of multi-party computation (MPC), we've brought enterprise-grade security to everyday users. And with our innovative Social Recovery feature, your network becomes your back-up plan, eliminating the fear of losing access to your assets.

Join the revolution

You can download the wallet from both Google Play and Apple stores today, and step into a new era of crypto asset management.

We're excited to hear your thoughts and experiences with this new product. The future of crypto is not just about innovation; it's about accessibility, and we're excited to be working alongside Easy Crypto to deliver just that.

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